Adverse Health Consequences of Performance-Enhancing Drugs: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement

side effects of performance enhancing drugs

However, misuse of HGH can lead to joint pain, muscle weakness, and an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. These are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, designed to promote muscle growth and enhance physical performance. It’s used for activity that involves quick bursts of movement, such as weightlifting or sprinting. But there’s no proof that creatine helps you do better at sports that make you breathe at a higher rate and raise your heart rate, called aerobic sports. This raises the risk of a serious problem that can happen when the heart doesn’t get enough blood, called a heart attack. But doping for sports isn’t one of the uses the drugs are approved for.


Composed of short chains of amino acids, peptides are signaling molecules that regulate various processes from metabolism to tissue growth. Synthetic versions claim to crank up fat burning, enhance sleep quality, or accelerate recovery. Misuse of diuretics can lead to severe dehydration, and a sudden drop in potassium, which could be life-threatening. Healthcare providers must be educated on the signs and symptoms of steroid use in patients. Andro is only available legally by prescription and is a controlled substance. It’s illegal as a performance-enhancing drug in the United States.

The Dangers & Risks of Using Performance-Enhancing Drugs

side effects of performance enhancing drugs

No systematic prospective observational studies of PED users exist. Thus, most of the evidence about the medical consequences of PED use has emerged from case-control studies, case reports, and ped drug retrospective surveys and, as such, is generally not of high quality. Therefore, studies of PEDs in animal models provide important comparisons with the human data. There are no systematic studies of the adverse effects of GH use.

What are the Consequences of Getting Caught Using PEDs?

Because WADA tests only athletes participating in certain competitive sports events, the data in A do not provide information about the frequency of use of various PEDs by nonathlete weightlifters. The distribution of AAS use by nonathlete weightlifters shown in B differs substantially from that among athletes tested by WADA in A. Although testosterone, stanazolol, and nandrolone were the AASs most frequently found in WADA’s tests of athletes, testosterone, boldenone, trenbolone, and nandrolone were the AAS most frequently found in nonathlete weightlifters (19). Creatine seems to help Alcohol Use Disorder muscles make more of an energy source called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Evidence Based

However, these cognitive tasks poorly represent the cognitive/motor control demands of cycling (which might impact physical performance and/or rider safety), and in the participant instructions, it was unclear which task a participant should give priority to or why. An androgen is a sex hormone that promotes the development and maintenance of the male sex characteristics; testosterone is the principal secreted androgen in men. Androgens have both androgenic (masculinizing) effects (development of male secondary sex characteristics, including hair growth) and anabolic effects (increase in skeletal muscle mass and strength). For decades, pharmaceutical companies have attempted to develop androgens that have preferential anabolic activity and reduced or no androgenic activity; these compounds have been referred to as anabolic steroids. Although some steroidal compounds available to date are preferentially anabolic, most generally have both androgenic and anabolic effects.

side effects of performance enhancing drugs

side effects of performance enhancing drugs

In 2004, I was in the middle of the Tour de France, I did a transfusion, I’d given blood weeks before and it was getting reinfused back into me, and I think the red blood cells had gone bad. And I had a bad reaction, my urine was like, black with dead red blood cells, I had a fever. I didn’t know if I could die from that, and sure enough, from the research that I’ve found out, that, yeah, it could have been really bad. The primary medical use of beta-blockers is to control hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris (severe chest pain), migraine, and nervous or anxiety-related conditions. The primary medical use of these compounds is to treat conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), asthma, narcolepsy, and obesity. The authors thank Dr Ryan Norbury and Ms Eunice Olowu for administering the blinding of the tramadol and placebo.

Performance Time Trial

AASs elicit both acute modulation of GABA(A) receptor-mediated currents and chronic regulation of the expression of the GABA(A) receptor and forebrain GABAergic transmission (235). Occasional field observations have also documented strikingly aggressive or violent behavior in some AAS users who had no history of such behaviors. These have included cases of previously normal individuals committing murder or attempted murder (181, 199–201) or displaying other uncharacteristically aggressive behavior while using AASs (169, 202–204). Testosterone administration may also affect mood and motivation, which may indirectly affect athletic performance.

  • Direct detection of blood transfusions and ESAs (erythropoietin, novel erythropoiesis stimulating protein darbepoetin alpha, and continuous erythropoietin receptor activator) is often difficult.
  • We can measure the concentration of IGF-1 by immunoassay and, more recently, by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.
  • Similarly, some nonathlete weightlifters use the hormone insulin for its potential anabolic effects (15).
  • Despite its enormous promise, the progress in the gene therapy field has lagged substantially behind the early expectations because of technological and safety issues.
  • But with consistent creatine use, weight gain is more likely from water retention than an enhancement in muscle mass.


The estimates of the prevalence of AASs, cocaine, heroin, and amphetamine use among 12th-grade students from the Monitoring the Future study. The Monitoring the Future survey question states, “Steroids, or anabolic steroids, are sometimes prescribed by doctors to treat certain conditions. Some athletes, and others, have used them to try to increase muscle development. On how many occasions (if any) have you taken steroids on your own—that is, without a doctor telling you to take them? ” The limitations of these data include the potential for false positives from a respondent’s lack of understanding of the question as well as the potential underestimation of the problem because AAS users do not begin using steroids until they reach their early 20s. Competitive athletes tend to use several other categories of PEDs in addition to AASs.

  • Androstenedione, also called andro, is a hormone everyone’s body makes.
  • And I remember the first time I ever did it, the blood was pulled out in Spain, outside of Valencia, Spain, and it was put back into me three weeks later in the middle of the Tour de France.
  • These drugs, however, can be extremely dangerous and, in certain situations, deadly.
  • ESA use is most prevalent in endurance sports, such as distance running, cycling, race-walking, cross-country skiing, biathlons, and triathlons (387).
  • If you do test positive, you may be banned from competing professionally.

In competition, it is questionable whether an athlete would take tramadol knowing they were likely to experience adverse effects sufficient to negatively affect their performance. We selected a relatively low dose of 100 mg for this study, to maximize tolerance in this tramadol-naïve cohort, but this means the 1.3% improvement in performance observed here is potentially the minimum ergogenic effect that could be observed in races. On two further occasions, participants attended the laboratory at the same time of day (±2 h) to complete a 30 min non-exhaustive Pre-load cycling task (Pre-load) followed by a self-paced 25-mile time trial (TT). On entry to the laboratory, participants imbibed their assigned dose of tramadol or placebo (see Tramadol Administration) and were asked to sit quietly for 45 min to allow for time to effect. This wash-in period was selected so that peak plasma concentrations of tramadol would coincide with the start of the TT and remain close to peak across it (21–22), with an analgesic effect still likely to be experienced from the start of the pre-load trial (22).